Better Families will be Collecting for the MS Walk

National Multiple Sclerosis Society has provided funds for search since 1953 to help find a cure. Programs are provided in order to enhance knowledge, health and independence for people with MS and their families. This association is the South Florida area for this society with local events. Among the local events there are walk and bike marathons in order to collect money towards finding a cure. All profits go towards research and education of this issue for people to understand. There will be a Challenge Walk MS (Multiple sclerosis): Charleston Challenge for 3 days covering 50 miles. This event is held in the first weekend of March from the 1st to the 3rd.

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system. This system is made up of the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. These nerves and senses make up many functions of the human body. Symptoms can start from settle numbness to the limbs to paralysis or loss of vision. Many people and their families struggle with this disease across the country as it’s crippling to everyone. For many years this disease has been untreatable until recently new treatments and advances through research have given hope to families who have a member with MS.

For this event, Better Families has been collecting donation for the MS Walk. Miami taekwondo has already collected a great amount of money and continues to do so. Students along with their families and friends are encouraged to donate towards this great cause. We appreciate all the love and support you have already given towards this cause and to keep Better Families strong. Lets continue to spread the word so that enough money can come in to help find a cute.

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